jardinains Pc Game Full Free Download

Jardinains! is a PC shareware game released by the small game shop Magic Chopstick Games in 2001. It received a sequel, Jardinains 2!, in 2006. Their official sites are here and here. The free game demos generously give you 50 levels to play as much as you want.

 At first glance, Jardinains! seems to be just another Breakout clone. You control a paddle at the bottom of the screen and try to bounce the ball(s) so that they break all the breakable bricks in the level.

 Then you'll advance to the next level and do the same thing. If only it were that simple... In these games, little gnome-like creatures called nains hide in the bricks.

 Their only goal in life is to torment you. They'll distract you. They'll throw junk at your paddle to stun it for a while and make you lose some points. They'll laugh of you when you mess up. Fortunately, you can knock them off their bricks and bounce them with your paddle.

Each consecutive bounce gives you twice as many points as the last. If you bounce them enough times, they'll turn into powerups.

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