Delta Force 3 Land Warrior Pc Game Full Version Free Download

Delta Force: Land Warrior features 30 missions. The game takes place in various places including Africa, Indonesia, Western Egypt and South America. Objectives range from eliminating high-risk targets such as power plants to rescuing VIPs held hostage.[1] Before deployment, players get briefed and are tasked with picking the specific equipment and gear they want for the mission, allowing them to define their strategy beforehand, e.g.: a stealthy approach with silenced weaponry, or an all-out assault with heavy weaponry.[1] The player is inserted into the objective area by a multitude of means, including insertion by helicopter or parachute. Once on the ground, players can navigate the terrain through a use of a mini-map, containing waypoints pointing the player to their objective(s). In certain missions, the player leads a squad, allowing him to issue orders to his teammates, although the majority of missions pits the player alone against the enemy. A map editor is included, allowing players to modify existing maps, or create new ones.

System Requirements 
CPU Type: Pentium II, Celeron
CPU Speed in MHz: 400MHz
Hard Drive: 200MB
Video Card: 32 MB
 Sound Card: Windows Compatible
CD Drive Speed: 4X Compatible
Devices: Mouse, keyboard
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